LLC is a US business incorporation model known for being a simple and flexible option when compared to the Corp model. It is similar to LTDA, used in Brazil, protecting the company's partner(s) in legal issues that may arise.


The Corp (or Corporation) model is a format that has a hierarchical structure, with shareholders, directors and directors. This model follows certain rules such as bylaws, mandatory meetings between shareholders, annual reports and issuance of shares.


Offshore companies are foreign companies created in countries or confederations that, in order to attract investors to that region, exempt the collection of tax taxes. Offshore companies help to reduce taxes and increase credibility.


Do not leave it for later!

We are receiving numerous requests to open a company in the United States. Take advantage of the best time to open your company on American soil.

The missing opportunity for you to open your company in the USA

Do not leave it for later! start now and enjoy a discountO A must for starting a business in the United States.