Blog America Expert

About Us

nosso escritório nos EUAnosso escritório em SP One of the biggest challenges nowadays is to find a company that is professional and that values its customers; a company that responds promptly and is careful with its evaluations.
Founded by an experienced executive in international markets, America Expert combines the best of the market with the best in customer relationship management. That is why we ensure that every service is customized and developed with excellence.
Our company is based in Miami, Florida. The state of Florida offers great fiscal advantages and it is a very welcoming and interesting market for foreign companies. And as America Expert is in Florida, we can offer a greater and better support for you and your company.
Our company is also recognized and authorized by the state of Florida to certify documents and notarize. We offer your company full support in this area without intermediates.

Our Team

Our team is formed by accountants, administrators and international business and trade professionals that together are able to understand and offer solutions for every stage of development of your business: from opening a company in the USA, having an address in the USA, accounting, receiving merchandise to market research of products, competitors, market policies, business strategies and many other services indicated to every stage and need of you business.

Our team is fluent in Portuguese, English and Spanish, what makes the communication more effective with both the client and the new business markets.
Simone Oliveira is the president of America Expert. Ms. Oliveira has more than 10 years of experience in business consulting and more than 15 years of experience in company leadership in institutions such as IBM, British Petrolium, Souza Cruz, Grupo Libra Marítima, Sony Music, Warner LLC, and others. Now Simone uses all her experience in leading America Expert.

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Nosso time é formado por contadores, administradores e profissionais de comércio exterior, que juntos estarão aptos a atendê-lo em todos os passos do desenvolvimento de seu negócio: desde a abertura da empresa e constituição de um endereço físico nos EUA, contabilidade, recebimento de mercadorias, até pesquisas e levantamentos de produtos, concorrentes, prática de mercado, estratégias a serem adotadas, e tantos outros serviços indicados para cada fase e necessidade do seu negócio.

Abra su Empresa en USA

Cuente con America Expert, una consultora con casi 20 años de experiencia en internacionalización empresarial.

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Abra su Empresa en USA

Cuente con America Expert, una consultora con casi 20 años de experiencia en internacionalización empresarial.


© 2025 — Todos os direitos reservados

La oportunidad que te falta para abrir tu empresa en USA

¡No lo dejes para después! empezar ahora y disfruta de un descuentoO Imprescindible para iniciar un negocio en los Estados Unidos.