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Como Abrir Uma Empresa nos EUA em 2025: Guia Completo

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Como Abrir Uma Empresa nos EUA em 2025: Guia Completo


  • Guia definitivo para empresários que querem Abrir Empresa nos EUA
  • 5 Motivos rápidos para considerarmos abrir uma empresa nos Estados Unidos da América
  • What do you need for this Opening process?
  • 7 Main questions for new entrepreneurs who aim to undertake in the United States.


Abrir empresa nos Estados Unidos (EUA), is an exit little commented within the national territory. An artifice little used by new entrepreneurs in Brazil, but very well known among the Great Players of the National and International Market.


5 Motivos muito simples para considerarmos Abrir uma empresa nos EUA.

  1. Redução de custos tanto no âmbito operacional quanto custos tributários.
  2. A more valued and stable currency in an EXTREMELY more consolidated market.
  3. Ease with which we managed to open the company in the USA compared to Brazil, and the maintenance of it, like the accounting itself.
  4. It is understood that the gains will be 5x greater compared to the National market, without the need to invest 5x more, it's all a matter of logistics!
  5. The opening of new opportunities and market vision.
  6. In addition to 1001 other advantages.


O que você precisa ter em mente para o Processo de Abrir Empresa Nos EUA.

O primeiro requisito, então, é justamente a escolha de qual será o nome fantasia da empresa, sendo que ele é caracterizado com um DBA, que é um Doing Bussiness AS.

Another important point, which is essential for the opening your company is that there isn't any other organization that already uses that name you've chosen.

You don't want to come with your company in the USA, with the documentation practically ready and discover that there is already another one using that exact name, which will directly interfere with the results that will be obtained.

In the United States, by the way, there is another point that needs to be highlighted with regard to the corporate laws that govern this world, as they are state and not federal.

That is why it is essential to do research in the state where you are going to open your company and to know everything that is important about the local laws.

Um exemplo bem comum é o da Flórida, pois lá todas as informações relativas às leis estaduais podem sim ser acessadas através do site do Departamento Estadual da Flórida.

Defining your company type

The second requirement for abertura de empresa nos EUA em 2025 it is the definition of what will be the modality in which your business will fit.

This means knowing if it will be an individual type venture or if it will be some type of partnership, which will make a big difference in how your company will function.

A maioria das empresas escolhe como tipo ou modelo de negócio a Limite Liability Company, cuja sigla é LLC, que tem a responsabilidade societária do tipo limitada.

In this type of business, the partners or shareholders always have some liability protection.

With this, liability is restricted to the cost to which the partners will pay in the shares of the companies or in the back related to them.

Present business address

When opening a empresa nos EUA em 2025, it is essential to present the business address at which your business will operate, even if the company is a sole proprietorship.

In this case, it is important to point out that this is valid for both the case of the address being virtual and physical, in addition to the fact that it is possible to use the address of your accountant or even shared.

Indication of an agent who is registered

There are states that will require this requirement, while others that do not take this requirement into account.

In the case of Florida, one of the states with the highest demand for Brazilians, it requires the company to nominate an agent that is registered.

Thus, an individual or legal entity must be responsible for obtaining copies of all official communications from the government.

In addition, it is also necessary that he resides in the place where the company will operate, that is, where the opening of the business in the USA will take place.

Register in the state

In addition to everything that has been mentioned so far, it is also necessary to register your business in the state where you will operate.

You will always be asked to inform the name of the company, the address where it will be located, the name and address of each of the partners or the individual entrepreneur.

Other information that must be provided is the company's field of activity and the payment of a fee for the registration to be carried out, but which will not yet be the commercial license to operate.

Request the EIN

O EIN, que também pode ser conhecido como FEIN, trata-se de algo similar ao CNPJ aqui no Brasil.

In the case of some companies, it is mandatory, as with corporations, but if your business is a LLC, then there is still another possibility.

It is the use of the Social Security Number, which is similar to the CPF for Brazilians.

By the way, those who are Brazilians have the possibility of having the SSN either by having a work permit or by having the Green Card.

Due to taxation arising from taxes, there is an indication that you should avoid using this number and prefer the EIN.

Open a bank account

Depois que você obter o EIN, o próximo passo para abrir empresa nos EUA em 2025 é realizar a abertura da sua conta bancária, em um banco dos Estados Unidos.

This is an essential requirement, even more so for transactions arising from cash and also the provision of credit, and the confidence of stability for your business.

TCO registration

Finally, in the US pretty much everything is always split between counties and states, which is why we should talk about TCO.

O Tax Collector’s Office é referente ao condado no qual a sua empresa estará localizada, que vai emitir a licença comercial do estado em questão, o que permitirá, de maneira oficial, que a sua empresa aberta nos EUA atue.

If your company also works with products, you need the STC, which is the Sales Tax Certificate.

This is a document that will enable the transfer of taxes referring to the merchandise that was sold, and it is issued through the Department of Revenue of your state.

Fica bem claro que há muitos requisitos para a abertura de uma empresa nos EUA, mas eles ainda são mais simples do que a maioria imagina.

The best thing to do is always count on a company that helps throughout this process and that specializes in this type of service.


7 Main questions for new entrepreneurs who aim to undertake in the United States.


1. Conduct market research

In short, this survey will tell you if there is an opportunity to turn your idea into a successful business.

It is undoubtedly a way to gather information about potential customers and companies already operating in your area. So use this information to find a competitive edge for your business.

2. Write your business plan

Your business plan is the foundation of your business. In addition, it is a roadmap for how to structure, manage and grow your new business. So you will use it to convince people that working with you is a smart choice.

3. Choose your business location

the place of your company in the USA it is one of the most important decisions you will make. Whether you're starting a physical business or launching an online store, the choices you make can affect your taxes, legal requirements and revenue.

4. Choose a business structure

The legal framework you choose for your business will affect your business registration requirements. Also, it will affect how much you pay in taxes and your personal liability.

5. Get Federal and State Tax IDs

You will use your Employer Identification Number (EIN) for important steps to start and grow your business, such as opening a bank account and paying taxes. It's like a social security number for your business.

Some, but not all, states require that you also receive a tax ID.

6. What do I need to do to open a US company?

Right after choosing the type of business entity and the state to incorporate, there are several basic steps that need to be taken when you are ready to start a USA company:

  • Escolha um nome da empresa: você precisa escolher um nome exclusivo para a empresa. Duas empresas não podem ser abertas com o mesmo nome no mesmo estado. É melhor evitar nomes genéricos, mas que possa ser facilmente atribuído à sua empresa.
  • Escolha um Agente Registrado: ao open a company USA, most if not all states require that a “registered agent” be chosen. The registered agent will be responsible for receiving important tax and legal information on behalf of the company.
  • Organize os documentos da Organização: a empresa deve seguir os procedimentos do estado escolhido para registrar-se formalmente. Geralmente, o pedido de formação exigirá o nome da empresa, o nome e endereço do agente registrado e os nomes dos acionistas ou membros.

7. Do I need a visa to open a company in the USA?

You do not need a US visa or Green Card to open a US company or buy a company. In fact, you don't need to be in the US to do this. However, just creating a company in the US does not entitle its individual owners to work in the US.

to live and work in the usa, a foreign citizen needs the appropriate visa. While there are few visa options to choose from, the most popular option is the L-1 intracompany transfer visa.

The L-1 visa allows companies to move specialized knowledge personnel from companies abroad for your related companies in the USA. This includes owner executives or investors.

Not only does the L-1 visa allow the transfer of individuals to established US companies, but US immigration has created a special category of L-1 visas for “New Offices”, i.e. companies that have been in business for less than one year. year.


Can you do it alone?

Yea! It would be wrong not to say that the whole process can be done alone, the question here would be more:

“Is it worth doing this whole process alone?”


THE Starting a business in the United States ends up relying on a series of documents and procedures, both contractual and accounting, that a person without specialization in the area, would end up taking a lot of time, and spending up to 5x more than necessary.


What makes the entrepreneur think open a company in the USA?

  • Low investment, with an extremely affordable maintenance value.
  • No visa required;
  • You don't need a passport
  • It is not an exclusive action of investors, many and ME and EIRELI make migrations;
  • No need to bond with any American.


The benefits of this migration are due to:

  • US currency earnings,
  • No physical space required
  • Geographic flexibility to work
  • Access to exclusive providers
  • Elevation of Social Status
  • More active market exploration (people buy a lot more)
  • Fair taxes.


Difficulties that don't tell you about Starting the Company and subsequent actions (Now it's time to work!)

  • You're wrong if you think you won't need to work.
  • You need support for making important decisions on tax and logistics issues
  • Language
  • Alto custo de legalização de funcionários vindo do Brasil, o que pode ser resolvido facilmente com a contratação local de mão de obra’
  • Awareness that the international market has its own rules and laws that need to be followed


Gastos Aduaneiros para Abertura da Empresa EUA.

  • You must have the NCM of the products you want to import or export to the US and thus be able to calculate the fixed costs of the operation
  • Where to stock, order fulfillment; sell on big players like Amazon, Ebay and others
  • Storage and storage solutions



Quem somos e algumas Empresas que auxiliamos no processo de migração para os Estados Unidos:

All these professional formations are proven through documentary diplomas of their specific graduations. Therefore, the entire team is qualified and graduated to carry out the recognition of signatures and certification of documents. In this way, our main structure is constituted from:

  • CEO (Simone Oliveira);
  • Main Administrative Council;
  • General manager;
  • Business Prospecting;
  • Sales;
  • Planning;
  • Accounting;
  • Management;
  • Finance;
  • Logistics;
  • Investment;
  • Immigration.

Thinking about all these aspects that we cover within our company, our professionals can contribute to all the essential points of opening a company in the USA, being able to deal with matters from the simplest to the most complex. To this end, below we will show some of our customers and their views on our company.


America Expert Customers

América Expert has already helped countless companies to invest, expand and open companies in the United States. As a result, we received extremely positive feedback that was the result of our transparent work and the great relationship with all our customers and partners. Among some of our clients, we can mention:

Who is behind the Company?


Simone Oliveira

Speaker, Graduated in Business Administration, Master in Marketing, American, Brazilian and European citizen, CEO of America Expert, with 20 years of experience as a Consultant in the international market, Simone and her team will ensure that your dream comes true consistently and based on the truth.


Open your Company in the USA

Count on America Expert, a consultancy with almost 20 years of experience in business internationalization.

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Open your Company in the USA

Count on America Expert, a consultancy with almost 20 years of experience in business internationalization.


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The missing opportunity for you to open your company in the USA

Do not leave it for later! start now and enjoy a discountO A must for starting a business in the United States.