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What are NFT games? How do payments work?

A question that has been causing more and more curiosity from many people is: what are nft games?

This type of game has become a real rage in recent times, especially those who want to obtain digital items that are unique through Blockchain technology and also cryptocurrencies.

However, as much as NFT games have taken off, it is also true that most people have no idea what they are all about.

It can be said that this is a huge problem, after all, how to make money with games without knowing them?

Thus, the purpose of this article is to show what are nft games and how your payments work.

To know everything about it, be sure to follow this text until the end!

What is an NFT?

NFT is an acronym for the term “non-fungile tokens”, which in Portuguese means something similar to “non-fungible tokens”.

For those who are not in the area, this may seem like something without any explanation and it is difficult to understand, but here we will explain what it is about.

When we talk about a token, we are referring to a kind of digital certificate or digital seal.

On the other hand, fungible means everything that can be, in practice, exchanged for something of the same kind, without loss or increase in value.

Thus, putting the two words together, a non-fungible token can be defined as an item or something that cannot be exchanged, replaced, copied or even destroyed.

Although there may indeed be copies of that particular product, an original NFT is something unique and therefore attests to a very specific originality.

In certain cases, who owns an NFT can create more than one unit of their item or work, however, in general there is only one single version for most of the NFTs that exist on the market.

Now that we've seen what an NFT means, it's time to learn more about what are nft games.

NFT Games: What Are They?

Did you know that there is a possibility that almost anything existing on the internet could become a non-fungible token or NFT?

You can do this with photos, videos, and GIFs, as well as messages and audio files.

This also applies to games and that is why more and more NFT games are becoming common, as it is possible to transform an entire game or even a part or element of that game into something that is unique, a non-fungible token.

But is there any difference between NFTs and NFTs games?

The biggest difference between the two, without a doubt, is that in the case of games there has been a greater investment in collectible items, whose main objective is to attract a greater number of people.

On the other hand, players see these collectibles as a great opportunity to monetize parts that are unique.

After all, as said, each NFT that is within a game is something unique and, therefore, is considered rare among most players.

The rarer an item is, on the other hand, the more it tends to get the attention of people who play a certain game.

How do NFT games work in practice?

Now that you can understand what are nft games, it's time to learn more about how they work in practice.

In fact, the mechanics of each gameplay will vary greatly from one game to another, so this is already something to be considered by the user.

However, it is also a fact that most NFT titles always follow the same model, which is play-to-earn, or play to win, in a free translation.

This type or model of game is one in which the player will earn a source of income, which in this case are tokens, when playing that particular title.

In the play-to-earn game model, the more the user plays, the more he earns, which is why it is so successful in the market.

A player who plays in an NFT game with this model and who is very advanced, tends to get much better and much rarer items, which can be obtained while playing games.

With this, you can better understand how NFT games work and why they are so popular lately.

NFT Games: Is it necessary to pay to play?

Another very common question regarding NFT games is whether or not you have to pay to play them.

There are many people who even want to start playing these games, but who don't intend to make investments for that.

The answer is: it really depends.

That's because everything will depend on what the game is and which developer is responsible for it, as it is possible for companies to adopt different methods, according to what they think is more valid.

Thus, some companies will require users to pay to play, as this will make applying NFTs worthwhile.

One of the most popular NFT games today is Axie Infinite, it is very likely that you have already heard about it.

For a user to start playing this game, he will need to make an initial investment in the amount of U$1,200.00, which would amount to between R$6 thousand and R$7 thousand, depending on the currency value.

This specific value is equivalent to the minimum requirement required in the game of 3 axies for the player to act, and the axies are the collectible monsters that give the name to the game.

Each of the axes that a beginner player needs to play has a value around U$400 or from R$2 thousand to R$3 thousand.

As said, not all games have a requirement to pay for the user to play, so you can find completely free options for NFT games.

This is the case of Gods Unchained, a card game that can be played without having to pay, and whoever enters also receives a deck with a total of 140 cards.

Although it seems like something very good, it must be made clear that the cards that the player receives have no value within the game.

The NFT items that you will be able to trade in the future will have to be acquired throughout the game, as it evolves in phases.

What are the most popular NFT games?

The popularity of NFT games has only increased, but it is still not as successful in terms of reach as in the case of different titles.

Despite this, there are many play-to-earn NFT games that have been hugely successful, such as:

  • Axie Infinite;
  • Binance NFT Collections;
  • Gods Unchained;
  • Alien Worlds.

How can these NFT games make money?

Everything will depend a lot on the mechanics that are adopted in each of the NFT games.

In the traditional method, which is play-to-earn, the player gets exclusive and rare items, and then manages to trade them with other players.

Most NFT games are in-game, so there are elements common to other types of games, such as weapons and equipment, which can be acquired by the player.

One of the biggest differences compared to them, without a doubt, is that those who play this type of game will need to buy an item from another user or even sell an NFT that their character has.

Of course, this is not mandatory, as it will depend on the player's desire or need to carry out this type of transaction.

There is no way to find out what are nft games and not understand the best tips for making money.

The player can earn money in this type of game by selling a rare and exclusive item to another user.

The value of a certain game or an NFT item present in a game may suddenly increase or even drop.

Everything will depend on supply and demand, so if you have a very rare item, it will allow you to earn a lot more money.

The risk is always in the fact that the devaluation of this item can cause enormous damage to the player who owns it.


As you have seen, NFT games are increasingly popular among those who want to play and earn money that way, and the options on the market are diverse.

In this text, you could see a little more about what these games are, understand how they work in practice and even how it is possible to earn money that way, which attracts an ever-increasing number of users.

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