Business name for companies in usa
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In the United States, the fancy name of a company equivalent to the same in Brazil, that is, it is the name that the market recognizes the company. Name recognition is crucial to the success of a company, and it is important to make the chosen fantasy name official.
A company that operates under a name other than its owner or that registered in the State is legally obliged to notify the Government. It is possible to work with several fantasy names for the same company, often helping to differentiate product lines, projects with a determined time and others.
America Expert will help you in setting up the fancy company names, analyzing specific situations that justify different choices.
With the support of a complete advisory made up of specialists in business solutions in the United States, choosing, defining and registering your business name becomes easier.
Saiba mais sobre esse assunto em nosso artigo. Clique aqui Take advantage of 2023 to do business in the United States para expandir seus conhecimentos!

America Expert: the ideal
partnership for your company
America Expert, as a reference as an International Consultancy, operating in the market for almost two decades, has the best solutions for Brazilians looking for opportunities to undertake in the country with the greatest economy.
Trust in a company with structure to serve you
We have a highly qualified team, made up of graduated professionals, fluent in Portuguese, English and Spanish, with extensive experience in the areas of foreign trade, accounting, business administration and management, taxation and laws, marketing, web solutions and also licensed to carry out business opening and document certification.
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