The ITIN Number, also known as the Individual Taxpayer Identification Number, is a code provided by the United States government to foreigners. This code is used to file your income tax return as an individual in the United States.

If you need to register a US tax refund or payment, but do not have a social security number (SSN), we can issue you an Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN).

This document is provided by the US federal agency to an individual who is not a US citizen or legal resident of the United States. It can be compared to the Brazilian CPF, with some restrictions.

Get in touch to request the issuance of your Tax ID with the specialists of America Expert, a consultancy that has been helping Brazilians with international solutions for almost two decades.


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America Expert, as a reference as an International Consultancy, operating in the market for almost two decades, has the best solutions for Brazilians looking for opportunities to undertake in the country with the greatest economy.

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We have a highly qualified team, made up of graduated professionals, fluent in Portuguese, English and Spanish, with extensive experience in the areas of foreign trade, accounting, business administration and management, taxation and laws, marketing, web solutions and also licensed to carry out business opening and document certification.

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