Personal Investing in the US
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when talking about personal investment, it is necessary to bear in mind that this is a way of investing an amount of money in a certain type of financial product, so that, later, it has a variable reward, which can, in many cases, even be doubled or even greater, depending on the type of purchased product and the time in which this capital will be invested. In other words, it is to invest money at a standstill or to plan to separate a value that may be monthly or not, so that it is possible to increase your equity in the future, bringing you financial security.
It is important to mention that the personal investment is key. Considering the effort to reduce expenses to apply it and, based on a determined term, achieving many benefits from the investment made, it is extremely important to have financial security. Being financially secure, in turn, is a factor that directly affects anyone's well-being and the certainty of achieving monetary goals and objectives.

America Expert LLC, throughout its pioneering spirit, has been focused for almost two decades on obtaining solutions for Brazilians who want to be successful in the United States. Our solid experience in the world market made us realize that the creation of a support channel would be essential for our customers to better plan financially and not depend on a currency. In a country as unstable as Brazil, respectively, it was present and necessary.
Today, America Expert offers one more service: International Personal Financial Advice.
The financial market in the US is an investment option that is a bit complex and difficult to understand at first. This labyrinth of options and information can often confuse investors, especially beginners who don't know where to invest their money.
We at America Expert will help you to know the best investment options, making your money yield in the best way. Our consultants will teach you about the basic fundamentals of investing in stocks, bonds, mutual funds, stock exchanges, among other possibilities that meet your needs.
When it comes to investing, HOW to buy is often more important than WHAT to buy. Investing is risky, but you can be a proactive investor, minimizing risk by making the right decisions based on available information.
Buying smart allows you to have a greater margin of safety and a reserve in case the market goes against you and we will analyze the best investment options, minimizing risks and maximizing the chances of achieving your goals.

Why is investing in dollars interesting for Brazilians?
Although other currencies have a greater value, investing in the USD (US Dollar) currency is the most effective way to achieve monetary stability, as the US dollar is a reference in the world market.
Investing in dollars allows investors to double their equity. Its essence is not to lose the quality of life, but also not to let the money invested be lacking at the moment. Thus, Brazilians who choose to dollarize their assets are:
Free from Brazilian frauds;
Without the presence of political instabilities that make money devalue significantly;
Peace of mind with the stability and guarantee of purchasing power;
Can plan ahead;
Insurance with respect to the future;
With the possibility of doubling the equity;
Far from being hostages to inflation;
With the possibility of achieving different financial goals;
With the possibility of having specific services that can support and make the investor safer and better placed in the future, for example, retirement;
With a chance to save taxes;
With the possibility of building wealth through investment.
These and other multiple reasons show that, if you were a winner of a reality show that won Half a Million Reais in 2000, if you converted that amount into USD (US$247,000.00 to R$1.80 at the time), today that winner would be with more of 1 Million Dollars!
If you had converted the money into dollars, in 5 years the amount would have tripled and would not have been lost by ⅓ (one third) as would happen in Brazil.
Another practical example was the exchange of coins and replacement of bills, a fact that occurred with the Collor de Melo Government, where a note worth 500 units of money, overnight became worth 50 units of the same money!
Throughout the existence of the American currency, a dollar unit has always been and will be a dollar unit, regardless of the exchange rate balance, as it is a strong currency, it recovers easily.
There is no dream that cannot be fulfilled, because with the dollar, you have stability and time in your favor, and NOBODY is going to take that away from you!
“Dolarizing part of your resources, and with the right financial planning, there is no dream that cannot be fulfilled”!

How it works and benefits:
Personal investment works in a way that services and products are offered through financial institutions or international insurance companies, where security is unbeatable, offering the following benefits:
- Safety;
- Asset protection;
- Purpose of protection of property succession; where insurance companies and fund managers own financial institutions;
- Guarantee that there is no danger of bankruptcy, as those who manage such services are the bank owners;
- 90% guarantee of invested capital in cases of insurer bankruptcy;
- Backed by the British Parliament;
- The accounts are segregated, that is, there is a separation of what is the client's resource versus the bank's resource, with no mixing of the two.
Product Types:
Mutual Fund:
A mutual fund is a type of professionally managed collective investment scheme that pools money from many investors and invests it in stocks, bonds, short-term money market instruments and/or other securities. By investing in mutual funds, one can have the benefit of diversification. Since they are managed by professionals, it is not necessary to track the markets regularly. It also gives you flexibility in choosing products from various categories such as equities, gold, debt and money markets. Most of the schemes being open, they also offer liquidity. One can invest in mutual funds both in lump sum (at once).
Also called shares, they give investors the chance to be shareholders of the largest companies in the world.
Bonds are fixed income instruments issued by large corporations and governments around the world.
Structured Products:
This is the type of investment product specifically designed to meet the investor's financial needs through product customization, giving the customer the freedom to choose what suits them best.
With the emergence of various technologies, América Expert also incorporates its Advice, investments related to the very near future, where the way of conducting business and forms of payments will be made in a 100% decentralized way of banks and financial institutions, giving the individual the power to control one's own resources, in a practical and safe way, with appreciation and fair rewards.

Whichever product you choose, the basis of how much you will make available for investment will always be in reais, within your reality.
Going forward, you'll be able to plan:
– Supplement to retirement;
– Guarantee the future of children outside the country;
– Purchase of properties abroad;
With the right planning, the sky is the limit!
America Expert: the ideal
partnership for your company
America Expert, as a reference as an International Consultancy, operating in the market for almost two decades, has the best solutions for Brazilians looking for opportunities to undertake in the country with the greatest economy.
Trust in a company with structure to serve you
We have a highly qualified team, made up of graduated professionals, fluent in Portuguese, English and Spanish, with extensive experience in the areas of foreign trade, accounting, business administration and management, taxation and laws, marketing, web solutions and also licensed to carry out business opening and document certification.
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